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MacOS X 10.15, Catalina

Product Manager
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  • John


    I would hold off upgrading just a little while. The release version is just out and it has to be tested. Not to mention if you have any other audio/music software installed, it is probably not ready yet.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Renee Lopez

    will there be an annoucement or email? I upgraded already and would like to know if it will be announced.

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)

    I am about to buy EZ Drummer 2 for the first time, …and the demo wont install on Catalina…. any timeline for making it compatible ?

    I’ll hold off investing in EZ until its compatible of course.


    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)


    Thanked by: axe, tvc15 and Erik Martines Sanches

    I’ve noticed no one is answering the Catalina questions across the forum

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)

    It doesn’t work on Catatlina. I bought it, struggled to get it working. When I contacted customer support they said it simply won’t work. I have to wait for an update. Still waiting.

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)

    The EZdrummer 2 installer has been fixed now. Not the demo, though.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    To summarize Catalina compatibility:

    The latest versions of Toontrack software that you have already installed should continue to work if you upgrade to Catalina (except if it’s some very old deprecated software that is 32-bit only). Just start the Toontrack Product Manager application (not the web version/page) before you upgrade to make sure all is up-to-date. Note that we can’t say if your DAWs or hardware drivers will work, only the Toontrack software.

    Installers of Product Manager, SD3, SD2, EZmix 2, EZkeys, EZplayer pro, Toontrack solo, EZD1 and now also EZD2 all work. The Beatstation and EZmix 1 installers do not work.

    Most of the content installers/uninstallers in download packages from the website – for EZXs, MIDI packs, EZmix packs, etc. – are not yet updated to be 64-bit so they won’t run, but those products can be installed/uninstalled if you do it through the Product Manager.

    Before Jan 6, 2020, there was a problem with installing SDX libraries from the default download location as well as from and to external disks. MIDI packs, EZXs and sound library updates were also not possible to install to external disks. Those issues have been fixed – the new installers are used when you install through the Product Manager application.

    The software uninstallers (to uninstall plug-ins and standalones) are still 32-bit, so if the need would arise, you can ask support for help to manually uninstall.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Olof.


    Thanked by: 12345_11 and Renee Lopez
    Di Ho

    Hello Olof,

    I love and apprechiate your toontrack products and I was always fine with them in the past. But I have a big problem now and I hope you can help.

    I have problems after updating my MacOS up to “Catalina 10.15”. Unfortunately, I read about tons of negative effects, after I did that mistake! First of all: All of my toontrack superior drummer 3 components are up-to-date in the product manager.

    But playing my Roland TD-17 KVX is not working with SD3 anymore. Though my TD-17 is connected with my Macbook Pro and SD3 recognizes it visualy in the SD3 settings, it is not playing anything when I hit my drum pads. The drums in SD3 are working only when I use my macbook pc-mouse. That means I hear the sounds of the SD3 and I see hits on the SD3 drum surface in the drums section.

    I suppose that MIDI is not working correctly.

    Can you help me with this issue? Do you need additional information?

    Best regards,

    Dirk (from Germany)


    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)

    As I understand, many of Roland’s drivers are not yet compatible with Catalina. That is probably the reason.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

    Tony Hines

    This might be a stupid question but is toontrack working on a update for superior drummer 3 and Catalina???  I cant even open the toontrack product manager.  I can get superior drummer 3 to work but only with EZ drummer’s Libraries.

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)


    Thanked by: birdland75

    This might be a stupid question but is toontrack working on a update for superior drummer 3 and Catalina???  I cant even open the toontrack product manager.  I can get superior drummer 3 to work but only with EZ drummer’s Libraries.

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)

    No, they should work.

    If you haven’t used Product Manager in the last months and have upgraded to Catalina, you probably need to download and install Product Manager again to get the compatible version.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Hi Tony, please see Olof’s reply 3 posts above yours.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: Tony Hines
    Tony Hines

    Thank you !  I will try updating the product manager.


    Hey Folks at Toontrack!

    I just bought Superior Drummer 3 today. I can’t install the library/additional parts of the software on MacOS Catalina. And to be honest for 300 bucks I don’t want a workaround (that doesn’t work). I need a concrete answer for when the software is working as intended. Are you working on an update? Haven’t read a statement on that yet… And yes, the Toontrack Manager and everything is up to date!

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)
    • This post was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by ALTMANN.


    Thanked by: skotterz, Arturo Varak and snoke
    Tony Hines

    It’s aggravating.  Unless you want to jump through hoops there is no Just click it and fix it update that I am aware of ?????  I started messing around with mine and could not get it operating. To add the the fun I’m running out of disk space so i’m going to wait until I update my hard drive.  There is a reply from Olof above “BEST ANSWER”







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