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Mac OSX 10.4 and EZDrummer?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • John


    buying an earlier version, like a DVD print, would of course work to install and I am not sure he would run into much problems installing the full download as it is ATM but installers and in particular updaters need to change and since the rest of the world is dropping support for 10.4 we have to move along as well.
    He would be left slightly on his own with running an environment that isn’t officially supported any more. Not that there aren’t friendly faces around here that always try to help but it’s a bit at his own risk.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    to repeat John’s post to an extend, we no longer support Mac OS 10.4 indeed, a decision/move we spread across 2 full years at this stage. The last EZdrummer version tested on Mac OS 10.4 is about as old as that, version 1.2.1, and is no longer in print (though that does not mean you can’t find copies lying around).

    That does not mean that newer versions won’t work, in fact we have made every effort when assembling those newer versions not to introduce any code/routines that we knew would create a compatibility issue, but it remains that we haven’t extensively tested those changes on Mac OS 10.4 (well, in fact NO testing was performed for the current version 1.3.1, and only the minimum resources was spent on this aspect when 1.3.0 was prepared for release).

    It is very likely that there are no issues with version 1.3.0, which is the current full download, but I would strongly recommend, should your friend decide to buy EZdrummer, to not update past this version. And of course, while there is no immediate plan to do so, we reserve the right at any point to update this full installer to a newer version, that makes it incompatible with Mac OS 10.4, so I’d recommend backing it up (or buying a physical disc, which currently should be 1.3.0, or older) in case a reinstall is necessary at some point.

    That said it’s unlikely that the full download will change in the near future, but we of course have to balance that decision with any support issue it might create for customers running more recent version of the Mac OS (or Windows OS for that matter, though there are no big concern on that front right now).

    I hope this info allows your friend to decide whether to invest in EZdrummer for use on Mac OS 10.4.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Thanks very much. He’s in a bit of bind with some other products that won’t work with 10.5+ unless he upgrades, so this is helpful. I will suggest he get the boxed version, though I recognize that as a low- or no-tested configuration, you make no guarantees.

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