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m-audio 192 4 not showing in ezdrummer 2

E-drum Workshop
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  • Scott

    Isn’t that M audio interface just and 2 in 2 out audio interface? It doesn’t seem to be a MIDI interface. Or, can you post a link to what you are using? I looked up: M-Audio AIR 192|4 USB Audio Interface

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi and thanks for the reply. I should have probably been a bit more clear.

    Yes this is the same audio interface as I bought. The only input option I can find in ezdrummer 2 is the midi input so thought that might just be a blanket option for all audio interfaces. I’m basically using it as a go between to nullify the lag I get when I plug my alesis kit straight in.

    Is there any other way I can use this to do that, a way I’m missing. Or even routing it through logic or pro tools into ezdrummer?


    Thanks again


    Select your edrum as the MIDI input in EZD2 and set the audio output in EZD2 as the M-Audio box. Is that not working?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    hi yes that works in regard to getting the signal in and out but i am trying to put it all through logic pro x so i can record. unfortunately when loading Ezdrummer as a software instrument in Logic it only allows me to use it by keying the drums in manually, i.e when i play my Alesis it does not register. I appreciate this could have been avoided if I had bought a simple midi AI but i thought the Alesis would act as the midi input when linked through the m-audio AI. That was very foolish of me.

    If there is a simple workaround in Logic i would appreciate any advice otherwise thanks for the information so far and I may just have to buy a standalone midi controller. Thanks.


    I don’t use Logic or a Mac so I can’t help specifically with that, but there should be audio and MIDI settings in Preferences (or something similar) in Logic where you just set MIDI input as the Alesis and audio output as the M-Audio outputs. Then, set the audio buffer to under 128 samples (64 or 32 samples of possible) for low latency. Then setting an EZD2 as an instrument track in Logic should do it.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I’ll have a play around and I’m sure it’ll all come together. Thanks for all the help. Very much appreciated pal.

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