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Low midi notes velocity when recording drums.

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    if you do not wish to adjust the velocity curve/response in your module, you can always select all notes in Logic and raise them to taste. Alternatively, you edit the response curve in Superior 2. Please check chapter 3.6 ‘Velocity controls’ in the manual for details.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I have the same problem and I am now regretting my purchase. Im not getting the attack transients when I play my Roland drums. Is this a Roland issue?


    I have the same problem and I am now regretting my purchase. Im not getting the attack transients when I play my Roland drums. Is this a Roland issue?

    Please check your Roland manual on how to adjust the sensitivity so that when you play your drum with a hard hit, it triggers the hardest velocity of EZD2 kit piece.

    Also, make sure you’re using the Roland preset in EZD2 (Menu->E-drum->Manufacturer->Roland).

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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