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Loss of time when reinstalling libraries

Product Manager
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  • Olof

    I don’t understand. If you already have the files downloaded and just click Install in Product Manager, it does not check the integrity of the downloaded files.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    @Olof said:
    I don’t understand. If you already have the files downloaded and just click Install in Product Manager, it does not check the integrity of the downloaded files.  

    I just reinstalled the core library yesterday and the Product Manager checked every single chunk before installing.

    Regards Reiner


    It only does that as part of the download process, i.e., if you clicked Download. You may have had to click Download if Product Manager had “lost track” of the downloaded files. That can happen if the disk where your downloads are located has been unavailable (not connected) some time when Product Manager was started/activated.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Sometimes the button says “Install”, sometimes “Download”. I am not sure what it was yesterday, but when it says “Download” in the popup “Install” is greyed out too. In this case a – in my eyes – useless check is made.

    Regards Reiner

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