Hi – new to SD3 (coming from BFD) and loving it so far. The Grid Editor combined with the Song Track is a game changer in terms of intuitive pattern-writing, but one aspect has become a stumbling block as I rebuild some of my BFD tracks in SD3…
I think what is missing is some basic Block “Alias” functionality in the Song Track, similar to the way you can create Region Loops and/or Aliases in Logic.
When writing patterns in Logic – whether BFD or otherwise – I’ll often create a “Master” MIDI Region, and then either loop it for X cycles (by dragging the right-hand edge of the region) or create standalone Region “Aliases” (if there are gaps between the loops) which are “linked” clones of the Master. Then if I want to make tweaks to the pattern, I can just edit the “Master” Region and all Loops/Aliases will update automatically. This is especially useful in the early stages of composition when ideas are just being blocked out.
The problem in SD3 is when a Block (equivalent to a Logic Region) is cloned in the Song Track, the only option is to create a unique, standalone Block, severing any relationship to the “Master” block. So if you want to make changes to the core (repeating) pattern, it has to be done independently for EVERY unique Block.
I believe it would be a great workflow improvement to include support for:
- Ability to loop a specific Block for X cycles (incl. support for a non-whole final loop) in the Song Track, and/or…
- Ability to create an “Alias” of a Block in the Song Track – a linked duplicate Block that will automatically update if the Master Block is updated.
I created a visual mockup for how this might work in the Song Track. Happy to hear any feedback, and or suggestions for alternatives.
Hopefully this is something the Toontrack devs are able to implement!