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Looking to buy several EZX and Drum Midi Packs

The Pub
Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Mithi Bakul

    Hi what’s your @ ? i have several of your list. Remember that toontrack charge 15 eur fee for license transfer.

    Mikael Nihilsen

    Hi Juan!

    First time here on the forum so I’m not sure what @ you mean 🙂

    Ah so it’s like Neural DSP we have to pay a fee for the transfer which makes sense of course… Hmm I’m guessing that’s 15€ per item so it wouldn’t probably make sense specially with the sale going on right?

    Mithi Bakul

    Am asking your email

    Mikael Nihilsen
Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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