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Looking For A Certain Groove

E-drum Workshop
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  • dialed

    The closest things I have found were a rudiment in Claustrophobic and the 50 Ways groove in Vintage…

    Any luck out there?


    I wish there was a way to preview the grooves before you purchase, outside of the 3 or 4 files they put on their page…

    Anyone have knowledge of which pack I might find this groove I’m looking for?

    Tim Seneca

    Hey David,
    You may want to Youtube The different Toontrack grooves. I do that went I am interested in purchasing a MIDI pack. There is a guy that goes through and plays a few seconds of each groove. You may not find every groove but it may help.

    Tim SD2, NY2, NY3, Evil Drums, Music City, Metal Foundry, C&V, Rock Warehouse, Metal Machinery EZD2, Metal Machine, Metalheads, Pop!, Indie Folk, # 1 Hits, Claustrophobic, Electronic, Rock Solid, The Classic, Metal!, Nashvile, The Blues, DFH, EZMix, EZKeys


    It maybe on the Music City,
    It is partly double time and normal time in the one bar, Little feat used that groove quite a bit.
    A new Orleans kinda groove.I have played this for you if you want PM me so i can send it,

    There should be away we can share these.


    Thanks a million! I appreciate you cats taking a few minutes of time to help out! I used the 50 Ways groove from Vintage on a brushes kit that seemed to work ok, but I’m very interested in what juicy did!

    I’ll keep you guys posted!

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