Hi, I understood that you should be able to drop and drag from eZDrummer2 to logic Pro x and purchased EZdrummer 2 days ago. I created a midi track and it looks fine, but the midi assignments are all off and it sounds wrong, and also is very soft. Would appreciate help. Thanks.
are you sure you are dragging the MIDI to the EZDrummer 2 Instrument Track in Logic?
Or are you dragging from the Standalone to Logic?
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
Hi John, I have dragged onto software instrument tracks and drum tracks from the grooves in EZDrummer2. How would I get an EZDrummer2 track in LogicX? Thanks.
create a New Software Instrument Track and select the AU Instrument ‘EZdrummer’ Stereo or Multi-Output.
When you are working with a DAW like Logic, you are supposed to use EZdrummer as a plugin, it gets much more convoluted to use the Standalone in conjunction.
When the plugin is loaded on the Software Instrument Track, any MIDI dragged from the plugin should be dropped onto the very same track.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
Thanked by: Emmanuelraj and KephrenThis workflow seems to be easier for me. I am not a pro drummer, but I can play well enough to create some basic jazz tracks. I work with jazz and swing. I use the standalone version of EZ Drummer 2 when I’m recording my own drums (both v drum and acoustic), but I don’t mix anything or apply any effects in the standalone version. I record everything completely clean in the standalone EZ Drummer 2. Then I close that, open Logic Pro X, create a new software track (or multiple software tracks if I’m working with multiple drum tracks), use the EZ Drummer 2 plugin on each track, and pull in whatever sample I just recorded. I find it quicker to work that way, plus it uses a lot less cpu resources. Even with my mac mini completely maxed out on ram, I still run into latency issues once in awhile when I have any other application open with Logic Pro X. When working with Logic Pro X, I’ve found it so much easier to only have that one app open and nothing else. This means when recording drum tracks, I only have EZ Drummer open in standalone mode; I don’t run EZ Drummer in standalone mode along with Logic Pro X at the same time.
Thanked by: Emmanuelraj and KephrenHI all!
How do I re-map my SD2 to match Logic’s Drummer?
I’ve found scripts out there but can’t find the way to load them into SD2… =(
Thanks in advance!
Did you find a solution ?
Cyril Blanc
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