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Links on website not working, can’t register or download my purchase products.

Product Manager
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Prey Torche

    Can’t find any link to download product manager.

    Operating system: macOS High Sierra (10.13)
    Prey Torche

    Found the issue, needed to update Safari

    jim covington

    my MUSIC computers {my Mac Tower runs maximum Mountain Lion….. my MacBook Pro runs maximum El Capitan 10.11}….   for music are at their limit… and can not update beyond their current Operating Systems…. nor can my laptop update beyond safari 11.1.2   ….. OR…. do YOU know of another way to upgrade Safari so that I can access your website ?

    I am so frustrated…. and STILL have 9 programs I bought (mostly through Sweetwater)… that I can’t upgrade through your website…. BECAUSE I can’t get Safari to allow me access to  your  website links…. and it won’t allow me to LOG IN.   Also, I can not access Product Manager….

    * * * PLEASE NOTE:   I started with you and your first product almost 21 years ago….  PLEASE HELP ME….. I have promoted your company and products to thousands of people around the world at my lectures and in person (I have been in the recording industry for nearly 60 years [my partners were Eustace Britchforth “Lefty” Baker — in the group ‘Spanky and Our Gang’ AND Bill Broughton studio musician, composer, etc. etc. [brother of BRUCE BROUGHTON ]]…. and remember well witnessing the first automated mixing console over in Rancho Cucamonga with FRANK ZAPPA, and OUR studio in Burbank, at the time, was across the street from Warner Bros [On Olive Ave]… We did projects for most of the major artists and companies in the late 60’s and early 70’s [[example: Johnny TILLOTSON, JOHNNY AND EDGAR WINTER, SPANKY AND OUT GANG, DISNEY, Tv shows on numerous networks- BG and the Bear, Quincy, Dukes of Hazzard, etc. etc…. and WE were the  first studio to BETA TEST the STEPHENS 40 track….  JOHN stopped by the studio and asked us to try it out for a month….. it worked VERY WELL !   At the time, we were  using an Ampex AG4040…… we were ALSO a beta testing studio for AMPEX and STUDER. ]]

    please help me find a solution short of having to buy all new computers…

    Jim Covington

    Operating system: OS X El Capitan (10.11)

    Skyview Records


    Hi Jim,

    you can use the computer which you posted this with to download and install the Product Manager.
    When the Product Manager is installed, you can Download all your Products and transfer them via external hard drive or other removable media to your Music computer(s).

    Please see this FAQ and scroll down a bit.

    If you have any further questions, please post back here.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    jim covington


    Project Manager won’t accept my NEW password (which DOES allow me access to my account… but NOT to the Project manager.)…. what can I do?   Please help me… I have numerous programs from your company that I have not been able to update nor register nor install….. going back for years…. (I originally had Project Manager working a number of years ago… but have not done anything with any programs in years).

    Do you need my password? OR ?????  I am in great need of help.

    thank you,

    Jim Covington

    Big Bear lake, california, USA

    Operating system: macOS Mojave (10.14)

    Skyview Records


    Hi Jim,

    if there’s some kind of problem with your account, you need to get in direct contact with Toontrack Support.
    Please click the ‘Contact support’ button found at the bottom of all FAQ pages:


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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