Lets talk Ez Mix and our thoughts on it :D

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  • chrisharbin

    I like itย 

    The only thing I don’t like is the preset add-on(s) (as of course the next add-on will be the metal one today) are kinda a bit more than I’d thought. I would have thought they’d be 19ish usd.

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    I thought it would maybe be a metal add on for the one today ๐Ÿ™‚ Lets see what happens haha

    Yeah I think its an awesome tool its makeing me lazzy in my mixing though because everything I am needing is right there in the one plug in ๐Ÿ™‚

    Actualy thinking about it its not lazzy at all just a good plugin doing a god job

    Have you done any mixes useing just Ez mix yet ?

    Most of mine I have been doing have been mostly with Ez mix its become my first tool to go for

    I am lucky it has all the sounds I need for anything so far ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am a sonar 8.5.3 user btw just for the record

    Norrie ๐Ÿ™‚

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    I like the principle oif EZMix very much. I now also have two of the Waves Artist Signature sets (CLA and JJP) in 10-20 times the price range of EZMix stuff. Nevertheless I just bought the EZMix pop/rock add-on today. Haven’t tested it yet, maybe won’t even use it, but I like to hear how experienced mixing engineers suggest things should sound.

    That said, I still think EZMix needs some improvement of the GUI. Looks like a prototype. Put on some different colors. Why have flexible names for the controls instead of the fixed “shape” and “blend”? For some presets these names make no sense, so make it variable with names like punch, compress, attack, presence etc. as appropriate for the preset.

    Mark Farrell

    Yeah its interesting, you can imagine a lot of traditionalists looking negatively upon EZMix, even in the video andy sneap mentions how he hates presets etc, they have a point, but you’ve summed it up perfectly there

    ORIGINAL: norrie
    Actualy thinking about it its not lazzy at all just a good plugin doing a god job
    Norrie ๐Ÿ™‚

    A good plugin doing a good job. Who cares about software or hardware, about analogue and digital. It may be sexier to say “it was run through an old fairchild” as apposed to “a software plugin” and of course old outboard gear is WAY sexier than your plugin list in PT, but simply all that matters is, does it work well in the mix?


    Spent the afternoon testing out EZmix. I have to conclude that it gets me 90% of the way the Waves Artist Signature plugs do. So it’s the old story: Pay 10 times more to get only 10% extra quality.


    Looks like you are all haveing the same feelings about it as myself then ?

    I think Ez mix is the best plug in I have bought apart from SD2 + The add ons of course ๐Ÿ™‚

    Can some one tell me though how are the drum presets on a accoustic kit rather than useing them with SD2 ?

    I havent had a chance to try them like that yet but very interested to hear everyones thoughts ๐Ÿ˜€

    I plan to buy the 2 add on packs for EZ mix in the next couple of weeks aswell I cant wait

    Thanks toontrack for some great products


    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20

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