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Large Roland ekit set up advice needed – 2 TD20’s

E-drum Workshop
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  • Paul Alvarez

    Bump….anyone?? I’m surprised there’s been no comments.

    I only have one TD-20 module, but before purchasing SD2 I did take into consideration the possibility of getting a second module (more pads and cymbals) so I evaluated the possibilities in regards to SD2.
    I think it is definitely feasible.
    SD2 has 16 stereo outs, which you can consider as 32 mono outs (out 1 Left, out 1 Right, out 2 Left, out 2 Right, etc. each hard panned left or right) if you do the mixing outside of SD2. In that scenario, each drum pad in SD2 would be routed to one of the 32 outs (all leveled equally in SD2) and mixed in the DAW alongside the 4 analog mics. So basically in that case, SD2’s mixer is acting like a pass-thru.

    In Cakewalk Sonar for example you would insert SD2 as a Soft Synth by selecting “All Synth Audio Outputs: Mono”, after that you will see all 16 “stereo” outs from SD2 appear as 32 separate mono outs in your DAW’s user interface.

    As for the mapping of the 2 modules, you will need to either :
    – leave the Midi note settings inside each module to Roland’s default, then set them to a different midi channel to send each module to its own midi track, then assign each midi track to its own custom drum map that will redirect everything to the proper SD2 midi input note;
    – leave one module’s Midi mapping to the default and tweak the other Module’s so that they don’t overlap, set them to the same midi channel to one single midi track, then either make one custom drum map or adjust all mapping inside SD2 directly.

    It’s been a month since your OP but I hope that helps.

    Intel i7-3820 (LGA2011 ftw), Win 8.1, Saffire Pro 24, Sonar Studio

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