Hi all,
I’m a noob to computer recording so please bear with me. I am in the process of putting together a home studio and find myself in need of a keyboard midi controller; preferably with pads to trigger samples also. I’m not a keyboard player but would like to be able to play some of the virtual instruments in Studio One pro 2 with the keys, and use the pads to trigger drum sounds from ez drummer 2. I’m trying to stay around the $100ish price range if possible but if there’s something out there that’s a better fit that costs a bit more I will definitely consider it. My setup is a line 6 pod hd usb’d to a mid 2010 iMac with 16 gigs ram running Studio One Professional 2, 2 Eris 8 monitors, and a presonus faderport. I’m leaning toward the M-Audio oxygen 25 or something similar but I was curious to see what others on the forum were using. I’d also like to find a controller that requires minimal setup and tweaking if possible…..or at least doesn’t require a computer science degree to install lol…..Any suggestions?