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Just for fun > North Drums EZX

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  • Whitten

    I’ve thought about it, but they sound pretty horrible in practice. Horrible not in a good funky/lo-fi way.
    I can only think of one or two instances where they were used on an album, even at the height of their popularity (the late 1970’s).

    Dave Modisette

    I had to stand in front of one of those sets back in the day.  So… I don’t think so.

    Dave Modisette


    Are they the same as the “Stacatto” drums back in the 70s ?

    Windows 10 |3.4 I7 Ivy Bridge 16gb ddr3 | Studio One Producer | Focusrite Forte USB2 | Roland TD11 | EZDrummer 2 | EZmix 2 | EZkeys 2 | StudioOne Pro 4| Cubase 10 Pro


    Not the very same.
    Similar design, similar sound and similar aim (loud).


    Ah !

    Clattery racket ?

    Windows 10 |3.4 I7 Ivy Bridge 16gb ddr3 | Studio One Producer | Focusrite Forte USB2 | Roland TD11 | EZDrummer 2 | EZmix 2 | EZkeys 2 | StudioOne Pro 4| Cubase 10 Pro


    I thought they had their purpose. They directed the sound, which was decent….depending on what heads you put on them. I worked as a drumtech for a band in the 80’s… they used those oil filled heads. They were very easy to setup and mic up. Sure,.. onstage (or in a basement rehearsing) if you stand in the wrong place at the wrong time one hit could blast your eardrum… but in a controlled studio it was like that at all. They really only had two volume modes…soft and EXTREME!

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