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Jamstix replacement from TT?

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  • Martin


    there’s no Jamstix (or similar) thingy in the making. No immediate plans of making one either.


    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    ORIGINAL: Martin


    there’s no Jamstix (or similar) thingy in the making. No immediate plans of making one either.


    No big deal. Jamstix works fine with Superior 2. There is no need to compete with a fine product with the same great support as we get from Toontrack. In case Toontrack wants something like Jamstix, just team up with Ralph.


    Cheers Martin. REALLY appreciate that… I need something like this and I would happily support TT if they were going to do it, but if not, that’s OK. More support for everyone 🙂


    I have to say, Jamstix + Superior = heaven!  I would absolutely LOVE it if Toontrack would partner directly with Ralph to make integration even tighter.  (It’s pretty solid even now.)  Either way.  Rayzoon and Toontrack are both top notch in my book.  


    ORIGINAL: nexus77

    I have to say, Jamstix + Superior = heaven!  I would absolutely LOVE it if Toontrack would partner directly with Ralph to make integration even tighter.  (It’s pretty solid even now.)  Either way.  Rayzoon and Toontrack are both top notch in my book.  

    + for both statements.

    Butter Buns

    im using the demo of jamstix right now and it asks me to authorize my ezx packs. boo ive already got a 2nd authorization running because of renoise doing the same thing. i wonder what the deal is. any ideas?


    According to the Toons, the only things that should cause a re-authorize trigger is change to the NIC or change of the motherboard. 

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Butter Buns

    this is strange because my nic has been active. ive not disabled it or uninstalled it from the device manager. i know it should not ask to authorize otherwise since ive actually run it with a different nic and of course it would ask to authorize when i switched. but ive been using the same nic. i did recently upgrade to renoise’s latest update when i was hit with the re authorization.

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