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I’ve requested 70s single ply tea towel dampened funk reggae drums a few times, now I think Toontrac

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  • Juicy

    “Record genuine drums sounds”

    Are you implying TT aren’t ?

    I hate drums especially toms that sound like cardboard boxes but thats is exactly what those over dampened retro kits sounds like.

    Jay Coover

    I hope you can get what you want one day, but for now all those sounds are in C&V. You just need to get in there and pull them out with your own mixing.

    Try adding a filter on the out bus and rolling off the top end. If you hear too much ring, edit the release in the envelope of the drum or put a transient plugin on it and pull out the sustain. Put a tape emulator plugin in your host on the Superior out and slam it. Lots of things you can do in the box.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    whoa, what a cool service to offer. I prefer to try to play/program my own instruments, but it’s cool that somebody is doing something like this.


    ORIGINAL: fizbin
    I hope you can get what you want one day, but for now all those sounds are in C&V. You just need to get in there and pull them out with your own mixing.

    Months ago Romanp claimed he had bought C&V, but just hadn’t installed it yet. I’m beginning to wonder.
    Totally weird that someone would post the same request for months, almost monthly, without acknowledging most of what they are requesting has already been delivered.


    If Romanp does use any Toontrack products, they aren’t registered to his Toontrack account.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Yes it is hilarious and Questionable.

    I mean “Zero compromise attitude Legend drummers sound” and/ or the guy off the internet (with all due respect)


    Mr Wooten
    Mr Whitten and the TT crew. Seriously

    A drum performance split into Midi and played back from any sound engine as opposed to a live and mixed recording will, naturally at first, be more sterile.
    A bit of tweaking and Compression will glue that back into a breathing performance like the live playing-It is not rocket science .
    It is all there if you understand and the glass is past half full.


    Yeah, it’s just frustrating because I’ve always said we had the hip-hop scene, Daptones, alternative (Beck) and samplist/electronica (Air, Portishead) sound very much in mind when we set out to create Custom & Vintage. Of course we needed to cover some mainstream pop bases as well.
    I grew up in the 70’s, Peter was active on the high-end studio scene when a lot of these classic recordings were made.
    At the time we proposed C&V to Toontrack, the big names in drum sampling were DFH Superior and BFD, both targeting the mainstream pop and rock sound.
    So a little credit to us for understanding the alternative market, and bigger credit to Toon for putting the money and logistics up to create the product.
    I now give no credit to someone who ignores repeated advice to try the product before determining it doesn’t hit the mark, and who now posts links to other producers he claims are hitting the mark.
    Roman, you can’t start any more of these discussions because you don’t understand what you are criticising or offering alternatives to.

    For the record, a long time ago he started numerous threads on Gearslutz talking about Superior and how it needed to cater for the funk, rap, reggae, classic 70’s scene. So my interaction with Roman extends over many months.

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