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Issues with Roland 30K, and SD – No sound while playing the eDrums, but sound ok with mouse click playing

E-drum Workshop
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  • Juicy

    Roland TD 30 is not an Audio Device for computer,that setting is not right,even though the midi may be triggering the TT drums
    the sounds you hear via TD30 headphones are not the TT sounds but the Roland sounds. The Roland module is not setup to work that way unless your using its mix in but why/
    You need to have audio coming out of an interface or direct from you Mac


    Even if I don’t add the TD30 as the output interface, and the sounds should now come from the laptop, they do not (it behaves exactly like described above, which means sound on mouse-click, no sound when playing drums but displays are highlighted correctly). What could be the issue?


    Get the audio working ONLY with just Solo, SD and the laptop first …..
    then just add/use the TD30 as a midi input ONLY and it will be fine.
    Thats the way it works here.


    Thanks for the reply
    – Audio working ONLY with just Solo, SD and Laptop – Working fine and the sound is good
    – Connected TD30 as MIDI input ONLY, output set to Laptop audio – Volume is way too low, hard to hear. If the master volume on Solo is bumped up, it still sounds faint when hitting the drums although the sound is there. Now, if a mouse click is used to hit a pad, the volume is explosively loud
    So, there is actually a very large difference in output volume when using the drums as trigger, vs mouse clicks. In summary this is the problem. How can this be fixed?


    Hey that is now a different problem . but ok we shift on to an oldie but a goodie.

    Tapping the mouse is static and full ( midi volume )of 127 loudest hit and a kid can do it all day , not the same as
    tapping/ gently on a E kit , replicating the dynamics from soft to loud means you really do have to Hit them quite HARD to truly compare, the Pad sensitivity parameters are their for this reason.They have it set so its easy to get the really soft stuff and you have to truly dig in to get max.
    Also note Roland’s reaction to it’s internal sounds will be different to triggering the TT .
    Simply adjust all the sensitivity values on the module for ALL pads for E drumming, the Kick drum may need to be dialled in to 18-28 ( you will still have dynamics ) .
    Perhaps try that first just to see everything is going to be fine.
    All Cyms and toms, I have found generally around 12-18 should be good.
    Snare either just hit it harder ( when you need ) or turn it up a bit too and match the rest of the feeling around the kit ( i don’t go past 12 on that one)


    Thanked by: Stephen Q

    Hello, I have registered with the forum because I’ve been searching the internet for the same problem with my mac, and found this link on google.
    Thank you very much for your help

    Scott Eshleman

    can you please describe your problem that is not addressed by the discussion above?
    please also detail your OS, hardware, and virtual instrument(s). thanks.

    Stephen Q

    Juicy – thank you very much for this. I’m pretty new to Superior Drummer 3 and found your solutions regarding setting up my Roland trigger pads extremely helpful. Peace.

    Superior Drummer 3, Version 3.1.7
    Roland TD-30, Version 1.13
    MacBook Pro, OS Version Catalina 10.15.6
    Logic Pro X, Version 10.5.1

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