I find this new site confusing.
Anyways, I’ve got errors when trying to extract either standard or seven zip:
CRC failed in ‘ezdrummer2_WIN/install/data.cab’. file is broken
Data error in ‘EZdrummer2_WIN/Documentaion/EZdrummer Operation Manual. pdf.’ file is broken
I’m redownloading now but not sure if it will work.
Now after another download, I get THIS error.
Data error in ‘EZdrummer 2_WIN/install/ezdhome/ezx2_modern/sounds/sound0.obw’ file is broken.
Yeah I’m having all sorts of various errors trying to install this as I have been getting all day…. they aren’t very quick to reply and there’s no phone number to call to just solve the issue quickly. They took a little over two hours the first email I sent them to reply… and didn’t really do much but ask for a screen shot.
3rd times a charm. Even though it’s a MAJOR pita, just keep downloading it until you get one that works. This is likely due to errors in the download because 6million people are trying to access the site at one time. Still something the toons need to look into.
FINALLY got it downloaded and w/o the errors. Sounds pretty good, need to learn how to do certain things.
I found that unzipping the files and then running the install solved the problem.
Same problem. Downloaded it 2 times. It won’t unzip. One time it stops on data.cab and another time it stops on sound0.
Have you used a download manager? The archive should be in working order.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
Hi, I´m facing the same problem. I downloaded the TT206_EZdrummer2_WIN_200.zip using my account in Toontrack Site. With NO download manager. When I tried to Unzip the file appeared an error in soundb0.odw as the file attached, I tried to use different Unzip Tools and the same error with the same file.. I downloades the ezdrummer 2 DEMO and when i Unzip the File appeared the same same error in the same file Soundb0.odw. I Appriciatte some Help. TKS.
there seems to be no problem with the archive on the server. Which OS are you on? Please try with a Download Manager.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
@Dorivaldo.Junior said:
Hi, I´m facing the same problem. I downloaded the TT206_EZdrummer2_WIN_200.zip using my account in Toontrack Site. With NO download manager. When I tried to Unzip the file appeared an error in soundb0.odw as the file attached, I tried to use different Unzip Tools and the same error with the same file.. I downloades the ezdrummer 2 DEMO and when i Unzip the File appeared the same same error in the same file Soundb0.odw. I Appriciatte some Help.
Where ever you downloaded the thing you’re going to see the icon as a zip file. Right click the file and select EXTRACT ALL.
It’ll take a few minutes to do it’s thing and then give you a windows file manager window like you normally see when browsing files on your computer. double click the directory, select the appropriate installer, and follow the wizard. I tried like 8 times before i realized that double clicking the zip file DOES NOT EXTRACT (unzip, that is) THE FILES.
That should clear things up for everyone. =)
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