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Is TDW-20 a must for CC resolution HIGH output from TD-20 triggered by VH-12?

E-drum Workshop
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  • danierusan

    Have noticed the same thing with EZD2.
    Once the VH-12 offset has been configured as per the manual for the TD-20, if the high-hat is physically closed (clutch loose/under its own weight) the midi note sent codes for a very open hat ‘open 3’.
    More importantly there seems to be very little finesse / optimisation within EZD2 for what the VH-12/TD-20 is sending under default TD-20 settings.
    Anyone got any suggestions for config or fancy tweaking the code for this (fairly common) setup?


    Ignore my comment. The Roland kit preset within ezd2 is perfectly adequate – just a matter of using it!!!


    Hi Everyones.
    First i’m so glade for my bad english speaking,
    I try use an Alesis DM10 with SD 2 in rewire in Logic X for recording.
    The High-Hat closed sometimes when i play open and “vice versa” when i play closed.
    But the e-drum work perfect with SD toontrack solo In (Stanalone)Confused


    Hi, are you really using Rewire in Logic? Superior 2 is an AU plugin.
    The latest version available is (currently) 2.4.0.
    Load the AU plugin, go to the Mapping page and select MIDI Note Mapping Preset ‘Alesis’ – the MIDI Preset Menu is located right above the keyboard at the bottom of the Mapping page.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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