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Is programming drums easy to learn? (total beginner)

Studio Corner
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  • VOLiTiAN

    Hey buddy,

    best of luck, in flames isn’t the easiest of stuff to program on drums, essentially the only advice I can offer (aside from the plethora on google) is that you need to e very aware of accents, knowing when the drummer is “bouncing” off the kit or hitting it like he’s aiming for the floor, either way you need to know the groove the drummer is in, literally and figuritively put yourself in his position, remember you only have 4 limbs and obvious tempo limitations but imagine the beat, and be creative! We’ve surprised our drummer with ideas we’ve come up with exactly because we weren’t drummers and we were messing around with beats, just study the art a bit and understand what’s going on, what kit pieces for certain types of fills etc.

    Hope that helps

    Kind regards


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