Hi All,
I’ve bought Alesis Trigger IO a few days ago with snare pad (build on 2-piezzo triggers) and I’m trying to connect it to Superior 2.
I have a problem with configuration concerning snare sounds (center, rim only and edge or rimshot).
For example when I hit on a center, alesis IO shows one note (d3) and send it to the Superior as snare center, when I hit rim only alesis IO shows another note (c#3) and send it to Superior as rim only, when I try to hit both notes at one time alesis sends to superior those two notes at the same time (c#3 and d3) and superior plays two sounds (rim only and snare center) at the same time..
My question is.. is it possible to setup Alesis IO or Superior2 to play note e3 (edge or rimshot) (not c#3 and d3 simultaneously) when I hit rim and centre at the same time ???
I’m newbies in e-druming because I’m a pianist, and I cant find any setup tutorials concerning my problem in Internet…
Thanks for any help…