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Is it possible to upgrade from an Ezkeys Sound Expansions to Regular ?

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  • Scott

    The difference between an EZkeys Regular versus Expansion is that the “Expansion” requires the user to already have a Regular version of an EZkeys sound library registered to their account.

    I see that you have a EZkeys Dream Machine Regular registered to your account. So, you purchasing the “Expansion” is fine.

    One note of confusion is that EZkeys libraries (both Regular and Expansion libraries) don’t contain new MIDI. All EZkeys sound libraries contain the same Basic MIDI library. New MIDI for EZkeys is only available from purchasing EZkeys MIDI packs.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thank you very much for the promp reply Scott & creating the clarica moment lol. Are the ezkeys diffent than ezdrums and ezbass in regards to included midi  when buying a sound expansion ? I bought a Nashville ezdrums sound expansion and I belive it came with a lot of really great midi ?


    Thank you very much for the promp reply Scott & creating the clarica moment lol. Are the ezkeys diffent than ezdrums and ezbass in regards to included midi  when buying a sound expansion ? I bought a Nashville ezdrums sound expansion and I belive it came with a lot of really great midi ?

    Yes. They are different. Toontrack drums (EZD3 and S3) and EZbass samplers differ in the included MIDI in that way.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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