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Interface for SD3 why not? Black GRAPHICS

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  • Andrew Payne

    I have a similar “gripe” in SD3 and SDX. When I replace a Crash with another type of cymbal besides a crash, the new graphic defaults to the black or blank cymbal even though I have chosen a cymbal that has it’s own graphic – either in same library or from another SDX. I understand the black if I create my own sample (which I do sometimes) but even then I would have thought it is not too hard to choose a better graphic so if it is a cymbal sample then have an option to choose a similar cymbal graphic.

    I also do similar with drums and add extra toms to replicate a 5 tom edrum setup. Again sometimes I get the blank “electronic pad” if I put a tom in a floortom spot instead of a drum graphic and it looks ugly.

    I know it is only minor (and the sound is the most important thing) but I am an edrummer who does this a lot and it looks ugly on screen with black cymbals or “electronic pad” looking drum graphics in SD3/SDX. A couple of screenshots to show it. Also happens in EZX expansions as explained by OP in original post above.

    Can this be looked at ?

    I will add that the sounds and the software are absolutely awesome and I love it – totally hooked on sound design and everytime I think I have enough SDX expansions, Toontrack bring out something like Hitmaker – and I can’t resist !!

    Thanks, Andrew

    Dell Precision 7730, i7 6 Core 2.6 GHz, 128GB RAM, 1TB SSD and 3 x 2TB SSD, Cubase Pro 13, SD3 plus a variety of SDX's and EZX's, Orchestral Percussion, EZBASS, RME BabyFace Pro FS and KRK V4 monitors. Modified Yamaha DTX900, DTXPRESS4 and Edrumin10 triggering SD3. Yamaha pads/cymbals and Roland VH-10 HiHat.

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