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EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Scott

    1. Yes. The latest version of EZdrummer is W7 64-bit as well as 64-bit host compatible.
    2. If a Roland SDP30 is some type of e-drum, then yes, but it is limited (EZdrummer can’t assign sounds to pads, for example). Superior Drummer 2 is fully e-drum compatible.
    3. Yes, you need a host to run. Toontrack has a free host, Solo, that supports EZdrummer and S2. If you want to record your playing, you’d need some type of DAW (Cubase, Reaper, Pro Tools, etc.) Check the for a host Compatibility list.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thank you for your quick response.

    >>If a Roland SDP30 is some type of e-drum
    Roland Octapad SPD30 (

    >EZdrummer can’t assign sounds to pads, for example
    Does this mean I will not be able to strike a pad on the E-drum and generate a sound through ExDrummer ?

    Note: SPD30 has a MIDI interface

    Many Thanks.


    >EZdrummer can’t assign sounds to pads, for example
    Does this mean I will not be able to strike a pad on the E-drum and generate a sound through ExDrummer ?

    Well, yes, you should be able to generate a sound through EZdrummer but you may not be able to assign a certain sound to a specific pad. The Roland SDP30 may be able to assign different cc notes on the pad level but I’m just pointing out that you can’t assign cc notes to specific sounds in EZdrummer. You may want to or not.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Many Thanks Scott. That clarification helps a lot.

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