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Installing EZ drummer on isolated system?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
  • WarBeer


    I bought EZ Drummer a few years ago….I installed it on my laptop to just mess with it. It sat this whole time. Now, I’ve got a dedicated recording computer that really is NOT connected to the internet. Can I still install EZ drummer to this system? I do own the box/disc collection.


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  • Scott

    As long as you have access to some computer with internet connection to download the software/updates/etc. you are good to go. The computer that the software is installed to doesn’t need internet access.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    It was SO long ago that I messed with this….I don’t remember how I installed it. It came with a huge box set of discs. (things I don’t own) I believe I just paid for the basic EZ Drummer. When I load the disc it does NOT autoload or offer an install prompt. Do I just install from the TT106 folder?


    If you have a modern OS, I don’t recommend installing from the disc. I would use a computer with internet access and download the latest installer from your Toontrack account as well as the latest update. Then, transfer the installers to your studio machine.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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