Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Install to multiple computers?

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • Scott

    One license allows for installation on 2 computers at the same time.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Magical Dog
    Blocked (Banned)

    Does this mean that I can split the cost with my brother so we can have a copy each of Superior Drummer 3 and running it at the same time ?

    "If you can make it 100%, why not do it !"
    -Buddy Rich


    Does this mean that I can split the cost with my brother so we can have a copy each of Superior Drummer 3 and running it at the same time ?

    No. The license is for a single user to use on 2 computers not 2 different users.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Magical Dog
    Blocked (Banned)

    Thank YOU Scott !

    The reason why I ask is if I run into problems, don’t like it or miss functions I would like in a program like SD3 there is no way I can get my money back since you don’t have either a demo or a money back guarantee !  Splitting the cost with my brother would make it a bit easier in that case economically.

    I am used to work with Cubase drum editor but it would be nice if I could have all drum related tools in one VSTi like SD3.

    I’ll think about it until my next paycheck !


    Cheers !



    "If you can make it 100%, why not do it !"
    -Buddy Rich


    Thank YOU Scott !

    The reason why I ask is if I run into problems, don’t like it or miss functions I would like in a program like SD3 there is no way I can get my money back since you don’t have either a demo or a money back guarantee !  Splitting the cost with my brother would make it a bit easier in that case economically.

    I am used to work with Cubase drum editor but it would be nice if I could have all drum related tools in one VSTi like SD3.

    I’ll think about it until my next paycheck !


    Cheers !



    There is always selling your license if find that S3 is not your cup of tea. Plenty of people on this forum or others that might buy it from you.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Magical Dog
    Blocked (Banned)

    I’d loose money anyhow !

    What is the reason for not having a Demo so people could try out the interface and see what you can do ?

    "If you can make it 100%, why not do it !"
    -Buddy Rich


    Probably because there are plenty of videos showing every aspect of functionality as well as all of the sounds of S3. The features like Tap2Find, MIDI Browser, and the Song Track are the same as EZD2 and there is a Demo for EZD2. But I’m not totally sure why there isn’t.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Magical Dog
    Blocked (Banned)

    Thanks Scott !

    I’ll probably get it later this week !


    Cheers !

    "If you can make it 100%, why not do it !"
    -Buddy Rich

    Magical Dog
    Blocked (Banned)

    Bought it !

    Love it  !

    Only thing I miss is a button that zoom in the loop in the grid editor in addition to the plus and minus buttons !

    It’s a pretty common feature in most timeline based software and very handy !

    "If you can make it 100%, why not do it !"
    -Buddy Rich


    I want to use SD3 on two computers. I know that I can but here is the catch. I’m using an Edrum kit for both studio and live gigs. Two different MacBook Pro. One late 2013 live and one 2019 for studio only. Since I downloaded everything on the 2019, I’m going to put the library’s 2 through 5 on an external hard drive and free up space on the 2019 Mac.  Can I share the library on the external drive with both? I will have the software and library 1, 41 GB I think on both computers.

    My big question is when setting up the E drum kit pads, all the settings I will need to fine tune to get the kit triggering the way I want. Is there a way to save the setting so when I go from one computer to the other the kit triggers the same and also when I tweak drum kits, can they transfer from one computer to the other. Otherwise I will have to take screenshots and notes to go from one computer to the other.

    Thanks in advance



    you can point the SD3 software on both MacBooks to the same Library location on the external hard drive. This is done in Settings > Libraries/Paths…

    All User Presets can be found in the Finder by selecting (in each Preset typ Menu) ‘Manage in Finder’.
    This works the same regardless of whether it’s an E-drum mapping preset, Kit/Mixer preset, Instrument preset, etc.

    If you have presets you wish to transfer from one MacBook to the other, you find them this way on the first and find where to copy them to on the other.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi, I am looking at purchasing SD3 and several SDX expansions (with the idea of using them both for recording and Live), and read that I can install on up to 2 computers. My question is, as my band want to be able to record with SD3, then use 2x Laptops Live – one as a back-up Laptop for Live with a Roland TDK50 kit, would I need to buy multiple copies of SD3 or is there a way of transferring the install to both Laptops so we have a backup for Live use? Thanks, Jim.


    Hi, I am looking at purchasing SD3 and several SDX expansions (with the idea of using them both for recording and Live), and read that I can install on up to 2 computers. My question is, as my band want to be able to record with SD3, then use 2x Laptops Live – one as a back-up Laptop for Live with a Roland TDK50 kit, would I need to buy multiple copies of SD3 or is there a way of transferring the install to both Laptops so we have a backup for Live use? Thanks, Jim.

    If you need more than 2 installs simultaneously then you will need to purchase more than 1 copy of S3 and SDXs.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Thomas Bowlin


    I want to put ezdrummer2 on my laptop for arranging music at night instead of my computer I do all my recording on besides my computer I record with is 8 years old and I don’t want it on for hours arranging drum tracks. I just found out you can have the program authorized for 2 computers and only use one at a time.  Do I just log in with my new laptop which does have windows 11 and downlead product manager and will it show all my products? I have 73 products and that includes EZkeys which I am not going to download on my laptop. If I do this will effect my recording computer at all and do I need to put in the key numbers for each drum set and all my extra style packs which are very many that I bought which I have a lot of money well invested because it sounds great . I would really appreciate your help. I read that you can authorize for 2 computers but I just want to double check incase something has changed. Any suggestions on how to do this also.  Thank you and I will be the only one using the programs.


    Kind Regards,

    Thomas Bowlin



    I want to put ezdrummer2 on my laptop for arranging music at night instead of my computer I do all my recording on besides my computer I record with is 8 years old and I don’t want it on for hours arranging drum tracks. I just found out you can have the program authorized for 2 computers and only use one at a time.  Do I just log in with my new laptop which does have windows 11 and downlead product manager and will it show all my products? I have 73 products and that includes EZkeys which I am not going to download on my laptop. If I do this will effect my recording computer at all and do I need to put in the key numbers for each drum set and all my extra style packs which are very many that I bought which I have a lot of money well invested because it sounds great . I would really appreciate your help. I read that you can authorize for 2 computers but I just want to double check incase something has changed. Any suggestions on how to do this also.  Thank you and I will be the only one using the programs.


    Kind Regards,

    Thomas Bowlin

    Yes you can install your products on 2 computers. Download the Toontrack Product Manager (it will show all of your products), log in, download the products you want want authorize them via Product Manager.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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