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[INFO] Wiring diagrams (by Michael Beatnik)

E-drum Workshop
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  • gajagus

    hellloooy everyone im the new in this site also at the first with the problem ….i have made stereo trigger pad from acoustic 14 tom so i deside to make a two piezos for stereo jack first for a tip next for the ring like into this scheme ….make this but when i put stereo jack into the pad i hear only the tip     lll ring dont recognise the kick with the stick also try with my finger direct on the piezo. without successs …when i put out the jack a little  ..ring is now tip then i hear the sound on that ring  piezo with good sensitive …so i put the wires correctly ….i try the cymbal with that stereo cable and i hear relatively the snare and the ring ………..whats   s  the problem here i try other way of conecting the piezos and athe soud hear the same ….im stucked into one place…pls can anyone help me ….regards from serbia   i have ROLAND TD 7 STEREO MODULE …

    gajagus ....electro maximus s s...


    i forgot ….mu cable was with two cable  like for the speakerphone but with schirm cable for zero signal like the stereo jack cable  left and right signal eac for the one piezo signal  but the zero comes together at the zero on stereo cinc …sorry for my bad english ..i hope so you understand my problem …..

    gajagus ....electro maximus s s...


    PFozz I have built some drum pads and made them dual zone but my problem is they are so close to each other that Im having problems with xtalk. I was wondering if I could use a resister or something to keep the two from triggering being so close too one another?

    Drummer in search of the next simmons SDX 9


    Nothing like a good ol’ fashioned thread revival 🙂

    Some kind of specific damping it always a good idea, it’s normally the frame translating the hits to the other pads, resistors might work however, you’re inherently building up a signal gate, whereby anything below a certain impact would just not be registered, and seeing as you don’t want to lose the dynamics it would be best to manage crosstalk in the drumbrain or on the physical frame.



    Thanks for the quick response VOLITIAN! I have the outer sensor plate mounted on springs and the inner plate is resting on foam that i had to secure with a little bit of tape to the inner plate to keep it from touching the outer. I have tried to change all the settings and it still triggers off the other one. But only on a very hard inpact! I have an Alesis Trigger IO.

    Drummer in search of the next simmons SDX 9


    I tried to upload a pic but the file was too big.

    Drummer in search of the next simmons SDX 9


    upload to photobucket/imageshack and then embed the image?


    lets try this

    Drummer in search of the next simmons SDX 9


    Drum pads I made based off SIMMONS.

    Drummer in search of the next simmons SDX 9


    The inside.

    Drummer in search of the next simmons SDX 9

    Derek Frampton

    This information is going on 20 YEARS OLD. It’s ridiculous to think this is still relevant…

    I need to know specifically about the ROLAND modules.. ’cause here’s the deal:

    I’m using my own hand-made triggers/piezos the works, and I need to know if swapping the head piezo wiring -+ between Ceramic and brass is still a thing.

    there are no longer positional sensing modules left by any means… and that’s the only reason this was a thing with Roland, but Even my TD-17, and all the way back to my TD9 do NOT use positional sensing anyway… (TD8,10,12,20 were the only ones back in this time frame)

    Could someone PLEASE help me confirm or deny with FACTS and NOT just opinions like “well mine works so don’t worry about it” Yes there will still be a signal, but I need to know if the ROLAND TD9 or even the TD17 still use the reverse Head Piezo wiring as I use them with my current kit.

    Thank you.

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