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Importing Midi file in EzKeys

EZkeys Help
  • Asmund Maeland

    EZkeys plug-in version 1.2.5 (build 19958) [64-bit VST] Standalone host version 1.2.5 (build 19958) Core MIDI Library version 1.2.5 SOUND LIBRARIES CLASSIC ELECTRICS version 1.0.2 GRAND PIANO version 1.0.4 SMALL UPRIGHT version 1.0.0 UPRIGHT PIANO version 1.0.2 ADD-ON MIDI PACKS BALLADS 2 version 1.0.0 BALLADS version 1.0.1 COUNTRY version 1.0.1 FUNK version 1.0.1 HIP-HOP version 1.0.0 INDIE POP version 1.0.1 JAZZ BALLADS version 1.0.0 MOVIE SCORES version 1.0.1 NEW WAVE ...

    EZkeys version: 1.2.5
    Operating system: macOS Mojave (10.14)

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