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Import samples into Massey DRT

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    EZdrummer samples are in a proprietary format that can’t be imported into another sampler.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I have sd2 and added the nashville add on pack. I have a old session that I want to replace the drums with the nashville samples. Massey DRT says it will import AIFF, WAV, SD2, and more formats of samples. How can I use these samples in DRT?

    Thanks, Andy

    Andy Pearson



    SD2 is Sound Designer II format, an old Mac audio format. It has nothing to do with Superior Drummer 2.0.
    As Scott wrote, the WAV files used by EZdrummer are not your standard WAV files, so they can only be used by Toontrack plugins.
    I have used DRT myself to replace drums but what I did was to export MIDI (drag and drop) from DRT to my EZdrummer/Superior 2 Track(s).


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Ok I exported the midi from pro tools but I put the snare on D1 and the kick on C1 and nothing plays in supperior drummer. Any help with this please.

    Andy Pearson

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