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If you could mix and match…

E-drum Workshop
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  • Damian Blunt

    I wouldn’t go to far down the mix and match route without thoroughly researching…..different drums for example roland and yamaha are wired differently.  The Alesis Trigger IO doesn’t like certain Roland drums.
    If I was in your position starting out  I’d go for a 2nd hand Roland TD-3 or TD-6….you then have the option to expand incrementally to the kit of your dreams!
    I started out with a Roland SPD-20 and now have a custom  TD-12 kit….It’s built up over the years at a rate which I can (almost) afford

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance

    Glyn Costello

    Hi grandaddy,

    I’ve spoken to a drum-shop owner near by and he’s going to get some pricing for me. He says he can get the Yamaha and Alesis kits at the moment, so I’ve asked him to price-up a Yamaha DTXpress IV Special without the brain.

    I have a very tight budget and want the best for my money and can’t justify spending money on a brain that I simply won’t be using.

    What would be the benefits of SD2 over EZdrummer for playing along live to a pre-recorded guitar/click etc. in garageband?



    well the main difference is that EZdrummer has no specific edrum support except when used in Toontrack solo, our own host. So if you wish to record your performance, therefore using another host, ultimately you will compromise the result – from a playback point of view.

    That’s not to say we don’t have users happy with the result but without a ground for comparison with S2 they obviously only can see one side of the coin. From a technical point of view the difference exist and that’s the point of importance here.

    as for drum brain, it depends what you are talking about – if you mean built-in sounds in addition to your Trigger-to-MIDI aka TMC device, then no you don’t need one. But is the cost you would save going for a non Yamaha module (in your case) be really worth the potential loss in optimal compatibility with your triggers?

    Like Damian said, I wouldn’t go too far down the mix and match route without proper feedback from other users using the combination…

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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