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I am very puzzled by this.

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    There is a simple Print or Save option on the bottom of the online manual. It’s much easier to update the manual this way (online only) and more flexible for the user base.

    Of course there are users that would prefer a new manual for every update included in the installer and even those that would prefer a paper manual, but the Print or Save option at the bottom of the manual web page seems the most flexible option.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    PS. by the time I got the damn manual, I hated it before opening it so I didn’t even want to read it anymore

    • This post was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by 6l6.

    wow, I was impressed about how easy it was to authorize the software! I just clicked once and it was done. My ass is relieved. Things are getting better….it may be that the only really hard part was getting THE pdf file. The prized one.

    • This post was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by 6l6.

    anyways, got to give the software 10/10, I like it. Tried the ‘bandmate’ feature and it blew my mind, the software even complemented the syncopations I played. And I guess this is just the start. Thumbs up for the software, Toontrack.


    actually, I’ll change my rating to 6/10, the tap to find is useless, I tap but the dumb software takes 30 years to record the ‘tap’, with the result that the rhythm I played is changed into useless and incomprehensible nonsense. It seems some kind of latency. I am using a pro audio interface. Not impressed

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 2 years, 9 months ago by 6l6.

    that’s interesting, it works well in garageband but in reaper it gives the latency problems described


    that’s interesting, it works well in garageband but in reaper it gives the latency problems described

    Try to Record Arm the track that EZD is on. That could make a big difference.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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