Here´s an idea.
How ´bout creating a humanizing tool to convert midi files velocity to specific midi library velocity?
My problem:
I´m creating a song and want to use some old midi drum loops our drummer has played using simple midi drums.
In addition I want to use some generic midi files from some commercial libraries and then some Toontrack files.
Now, these files don´t match in velocity and my midi track sounds just awful and not like it was played by the same drummer.
Correcting the velocities by hand takes way too long.
Would it be possible to create a tool ( inside ED2 or Superior ), where you import a reference Toontrack midi file and a file you want to be matched?
The tool would change and humanize ( randomize ) all the different instrument midi ( snare, kick, cymbals… ) to the same velocity “ballpark” than in the ref file.
So, it´s not the same as randomizing a midi file as a whole.
There could be even more options: random quantize, how to accent hi-hat or ride ( none, every other, every third… ), change the file´s closed hi-hat to the same fully open one as in ref file, etc…
…or is there any other ( fast and simple ) way to do the same?
MacPro 2x2.66 GHz, 8 Gt RAM, OSX 10.5.8, ProTools 9.0.6 + Mbox2 pro