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How tracks are panned and which side for Stereo

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    I’ve produced records using both drummer and audience perspective.

    You aren’t ‘supposed’ to do anything in mixing. There are no rules. Do whichever you feel.

    If you want to flip the perspective, click the ‘Stereo Rev’ button on the S2 Mixer page. 

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Yeah, any perspective is fine for recordings, and you are offered both in Superior.

    Angelo Bonanno

    Thank You for the answers. Studios I have used in past all explained to me that drums and mixes in general should be from the perspective of the listener looking at the band or artist, not other way around from the bands perspective . With that being now said I have always followed this rule because of what I was told. If I was given wrong or should I say correctly, misinformed information I will ask then is there really any specific rule of thumb to mixes pertaining to this all. Professional store bought CDs and Albums I have checked for reference mostly seem follow the listeners perspective with drums and orchestras ….but yes there are a few who follow it other way around. Since the default in Superior is from the drummers perspective would this be the more common way of mixing them into my music ?



    I’m guessing the default is there for e-drummers.
    If you want audience perspective, switch it in Superior. No problem.


    yes, I think from an interface point of view the drummer’s perspective makes a lot of sense.

    *some* producers presets (shipping with SDX and S2 presets packs) come as listener perspective however… I don’t like it from a purely consistency point of view but since it is imposed on no contributors this goes to show that there is no ‘one size fits all’ rule.

    When it comes to left handed drummers I think that you’ll find that there are several ‘schools’ of setups and I would say that that none really fit the translation of flipping a right handed drummer setup in the stereo field. That’s not to say all right-handed drummers set up their kit the same way but the variations tend to be much less obvious.

    … I am left handed btw, so it’s not a judgment of calls on any drummer limb attachment/wiring at birth (sic), but the point I wanted to make is that you would have to define what a ‘left handed drummer’ set up is for you before we could advise on the best way to emulate such and such stereo representation (and some/many would require bending the physics of the recording).

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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