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How to save my favorited Midi sequences?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Henrik

    I assume you mean the favorite marked files (the Star icon on the left side). There is no built in function to save those. However, you can try this workaround:

    • Save the files MidiDB and MidiDB_fav (if it exists), before reinstalling/formatting the hard drive.
    • When you have re-installed the computer, put those files back to the same location.
      • Path to files on Mac: /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/EZdrummer
      • Path to files on PC: C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Toontrack\EZdrummer

    I will write it up as a feature request to be able to export and import favorites.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    • This post was modified 6 years ago by Henrik.
    Del Rei

    Thanks Henrik.

    Sorry for the delay. I will try this solution. Thanks, man!

    Del Rei

    Hey, Henrik.
    I tried that, but could not find the MidiDB or MidiDB_fav folders.

    There is no “/Users//Library/Application Support/Toontrack/EZdrummer” 

    But there is “/Users//Library/Application Support/EZdrummer” and inside there are a lot of folders (specially the EZ2 kits) and a Midi folder, but nothing that I can find my midi favorites.

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