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How to play drum less tracks on superior drummer 2.0

Studio Corner
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  • Scott Eshleman

    @Trav_1 said:
    Hi, I’m new to this program and I’m wanting to play along to songs that are drum less tracks. Can I download those guitar midi on this site to be able to jam with drum less songs? Any suggestions would be great. Thank you  

    I’m confused…please clarify.
    download what guitar MIDI? from what site?
    how do you intend to ‘play along’?


    @Scott E said:

    I’m confused…please clarify.
    download what guitar MIDI? from what site?
    how do you intend to ‘play along’?  

    Well there is guitar midi on this site you can buy, was wondering if I can play along with those songs using my electric kit. Or to even play drum less tracks on superior drumming is what I was meaning.



    there is no Guitar MIDI files offered by Toontrack, I guess you either mean the EZKeys MIDI or the EZmix 2 Guitar FX Presets.
    Either way, Superior 2 does not have the ability to play backing tracks for jamming along.

    I hope this clarifies,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @John said:

    there is no Guitar MIDI files offered by Toontrack, I guess you either mean the EZKeys MIDI or the EZmix 2 Guitar FX Presets.
    Either way, Superior 2 does not have the ability to play backing tracks for jamming along.

    I hope this clarifies,

    Alright yeah this helps, all I want to do is to be able to run SD on electric and have drum less tracks to play with. Do I need to buy Ez mix2 then to be able to play drum less tracks?


    What programs do I need to play midi files exported from guitar tux to superior drummer to play along with?

    Scott Eshleman

    @Trav_1 said:
    Do I need to buy Ez mix2 then to be able to play drum less tracks?  

    EZMix2 is an FX processor. It does not play MIDI files.

    @Trav_1 said:
    What programs do I need to play midi files exported from guitar tux to superior drummer to play along with?  

    SuperiorDrummer2.0 is intended to play drum MIDI grooves using Toontrack-created drum & percussion sample libraries.

    That said, why not just play the guitar MIDI right in TuxGuitar?

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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