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How to get this specific drum in EZ2 ?

Studio Corner
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  • Phenix 2

    The little parts we can hear do not necessary a lot of things except what you already have = dream pop and ez drummer 2

    just  add some reverb / compression

    this kind of 80’s-sweet snare is in a lot of products : Garage band, EZD 2, pop punk ezx, progressive ezx, hard rock ezx

    uk pop first preset , custom shop ezx, metal ! ezx with the reverbathon kit

    just add some reverb too in all the sounds

    You like drums, iconic sounds and drum plugins ?
    > Go and see my Youtube channel, instagram, Soundcloud and TikTok : like and and subscribe !

    Del Rei

    Thanks man.

    Sorry for the delay.

    Actually. I tried that, but could not get into a nice result… Not even close.
    Thank you for the help, man.

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