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How to Get More Snare Rattle

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    If I was mixing a drum kit and wanted more snare rattle, I would bus the bottom snare mic to a compressor to bring the rattle out more.

    I think the Black Beauty 6×14 in the Nashville EZX would be a good snare for that.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Gee….so complicated, and a post production thing right? The marketing brochure said my new drummer was “EZ”. EZ, but rather limited.


    Look, a specialized sound (tons of snare rattle) will require learning a few mixing techniques. Compressing the bottom snare mic in drum mixing the way to do it. Choose to try and use the suggestion to help get the sound you want or…don’t.

    This particular forum (Studio Corner) is for users that are seeking ‘tips and techniques’ for music production. We have lots of tips here. If you want to ask Toontrack to make some specialized sound, you can ask in the Requests & Feedback forum.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @Scott said:

    Look, a specialized sound (tons of snare rattle) will require learning a few mixing techniques. Compressing the bottom snare mic in drum mixing the way to do it. Choose to try and use the suggestion to help get the sound you want or…don’t.

    This particular forum (Studio Corner) is for users that are seeking ‘tips and techniques’ for music production. We have lots of tips here. If you want to ask Toontrack to make some specialized sound, you can ask in the Requests & Feedback forum.

    Good post Scott, seems everybody just wants everything handed to them anymore, without doing any work, or learning the how/why…I think Toontrack products kick ass myself, I’m not able to record a real kit, so this is the next best thing for me, & I’m very grateful these products even exist…


    For the price you pay???……YES……it should be part of EVERY kit. With REAL snares, you simply turn one knob and tighten it to get the springs. It’s EASY.

    Toontrack markets EZ Drummer as…..well…..”easy”, but then charges for every little feature…..and WHAT’S WORSE……doesn’t even offer what’s standard on snares.

    If I had hours and hours to record…..I’d hire a drummer, but that’s why I bought the software.



    @Vmuisc said:

    For the price you pay???……YES……it should be part of EVERY kit. With REAL snares, you simply turn one knob and tighten it to get the springs. It’s EASY.

    Toontrack markets EZ Drummer as…..well…..”easy”, but then charges for every little feature…..and WHAT’S WORSE……doesn’t even offer what’s standard on snares.

    If I had hours and hours to record…..I’d hire a drummer, but that’s why I bought the software.


    This is interesting. In my opinion, EZ is not a simulator. Thus, we can not tweak the snare but the pre-recorded sound of it.

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