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How do you pull off Snare Grace Notes?

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    I would go into the S2 browser window and brows some of the MIDI files. I don’t know what MIDI you have available but you should have the NY Avatar MIDI from Nir-Z. Once you find some MIDI groove that has ghosts, look at the column to the right that shows ‘Kit Pieces’ and just listen to the ‘snare’ by clicking on it. If you like the sound, drag it to your host and build a groove using that snare MIDI. You can adjust the snare MIDI in your host to taste. If nothing else you can see how a real drummer performs snare ghosts.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Nick Sorenson

    Thanks Scott!
    I think I just got them to work using the roll control on the NanoPAD. I just keep the volume of the roll low and drag my finger across the scroll pad deal. Works pretty well. It’s a little tricky coordination wise but it gets it done.

    I think the MIDI groves would be the easiest route.

    I have SD2 and a few SDX packs (Music City, NYC, Metal). Do I have the MIDI Grooves in my setup? I’m still new to the Toontrack world so I haven’t a clue what I’ve got and don’t know about.




    First, make sure you’re running the latest version of S2. The latest version is 2.2.3. The groove browser tab for S2 should be listed at the top of the S2 interface next to Mixer tab.

    You should have MIDI for each library you have. They can be downloaded from your Toontrack account and are located under the Product Update section for each product you have. You should have 4 MIDI packs to download and install: NY Avatar, NY Allaire, The Metal Foundry, and Music City USA.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Nick Sorenson

    Awesome. Got all the MIDI files downloaded and installed. Now in Cubase 4LE do I just drag and drop? Not quite sure how this works.



    Yes, you should be able to drag and drop MIDI from the S2 Groove Browser to your S2 Instrument Track in Cubase.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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