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How do midi packs work/map with different kits?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Juicy

    The main difference is the toms and cymbals.
    TT’s kits all follow similar Extended Gm Format.
    In the Case of midi made for a bigger kit ,you will find instead of Tom1,2,3,4,5 you will get sound applied over tom 1,1r,2,2r,3
    I know this is a really basic way of answering the question but the kits with less pieces have duplications on next keys so they dont have any spaces unfilled.
    Suffice to say it actually works out well,even for a 4 piece kit
    Most the midi is done in a 6 piece format .


    For 3rd party midi tracks, do they need to be formatted specifically for EZdrummer, or will any midi pattern file work?


    it depends, it those 3rd party follow the GM standard or not. If they do than it is unlikely their packs will cause any trouble as our own mapping is 98% GM compliant. Well, that is assuming we are talking about drums and not percussion MIDI, of course.

    Regarding your earlier question, almost all our commercial MIDI are mapped to use 3 toms and 2 cymbals, so will play almost identically, kit character notwithstanding, on all kits. Some however may use more toms, and occasionally cymbals but this info is stated on the product page. Even so, those packs will substitute musically to smaller kits, i.e there will be no ‘dropped notes’, so there is not really any issues to speak of.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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