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How do I get Superior Drummer VST to appear in Ableton Live 9?

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  • John


    on Mac, you don’t need to worry about which bit-version you are using unless you have installed very old versions that are 32-bit only and not universal.
    Have you run the latest (currently) 2.4.1 update? Ableton can load both VST and AU, are both inaccessible?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    I have 2.4.1 currently installed, and I don’t think I would have any very old version installed, so I’m not sure what the issue is…any other suggestions would greatly help!

    Also should mention some of my other VSTs work fine, like POD Farm 2 and other AUs…


    Bump. Any help would be awesome!



    so you have tried both loading the VST and AU plugin version and none works?

    There’s a ‘Rescan’ plugins option under the Preferences, please use this and see if it helps.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John,

    What folder would the AU plugin version be in? All I see is the VST for Superior and EZ



    Thanked by: chrisguth2


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John,

    I’ve tried rescanning the folder, without luck.

    If anyone can please help me I would really appreciate it…Cry


    Can you re-install 2.4.1 and make sure both VST and AU are installed?
    You can also follow the instructions for Logic users here:
    before you launch Live again.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    for some reason this will not show up as a plug in no matter what i do this has been the most frustrating piece of software to install dont even bother trying to install the ezx cocktail file it says some rubbish about not being able to see the dummy file i can find that file the program cant, anyway its a great piece of software and makes my drum machine look rubbish as these drums sound so real anyway i have found a way to make it work in live its not ideal but it works kind of, run the toontrack solo you can play it with your keyboard or whatever midi device you have then set the track up as you would for an instrument then hey presto it works,(when i say works its running standalone and not as a plug in) the past few hours of trying to get the thing to work has put me off geting ezdrummer 2 or any packs


    Woohoo! I don’t know why, but reinstalling 2.4.1 seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks again!


    the solution i used was with installing toontrack solo as ezdrummer wasnt working, so now i have tried installing it for the 3rd time and works fine u need to rescan folder in abelton after the installation even if you have put the dll in the correct place, im happy now it works properly but im not sure why it didnt work first time or the 2nd time !!!! ,so basiclly if its not working for you just keep uninstalling and reinstalling it will eventually work


    Can anyone answer this question from a P.C users perspective please.. I’m unable to get Ableton to see SD3 at all despite setting what I think is the correct path within the DAW  – I have 32 bit Ableton 9 and also don’t know whether I’ve dowloaded SD3 64 bit version ?


    • This post was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Djembe14.

    Can anyone answer this question from a P.C users perspective please.. I’m unable to get Ableton to see SD3 at all despite setting what I think is the correct path within the DAW  – I have 32 bit Ableton 9 and also don’t know whether I’ve dowloaded SD3 64 bit version ?


    • This post was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Djembe14.

    S3 is 64-bit only. There is no 32-bit version

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks Scott.. Does this mean its a dead end then.. very remiss of me to have not realised this before I bought SD3!

    • This post was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Djembe14.

    Thanks Scott.. Does this mean its a dead end then.. very remiss of me to have not realised this before I bought SD3!

    • This post was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Djembe14.

    Is there a 64-bit version of Ableton?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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