How can I trigger fast alternating MIDI drum kicks?

Studio Corner
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  • Scott Eshleman

    I don’t have Cubase but a quick Google Search led me to the use of Macros in Cubase that could be a potential solution for you.

    Other macro tools like Quickeys & Keyboard Maestro can supplement the Cubase macro utility or be useful to users of other DAWs.

    Michael Cirak

    Hey, thanks for your reply! I haven’t managed to find a way to use macros yet, the problem I run into is that a macro triggers a list of commands instantly, but I need something to send a command continuously while holding down a key. Not to mention the metronome bpm dependency.
    I’ve asked the same question on the Cubase forums, which has led me to research hardware solutions (e.g. maschine mikro), and there’s other stuff I’m researching like the Cubase Input Transformer. No heureka yet, though.
    I feel a functionality like this should be included in at least the metal drum packs for superior/ez drummer…


    Have you tried using an arpeggiator? It should be possible to make the arpeggio alternate between the two pressed buttons, in your case – the two kicks. The speed of the arpeggiator will be the speed of the double kicks – 8ths, 16ths etc…

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    EZPlayer Pro might be able to do that.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

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