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How are the drums in the audio demo’s played

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  • Juicy

    Could be wrong but usually they use a Hart Kit with a Roland TD20 brain.
    There may always be tweaks the drummers do in the module but i think it is all the Drummer really.

    Outboard gear and mixing, mastering then come into play.


    I haven’t done any demo songs, but I think it’s either included midi, or v-drums played.
    Outboard processing would only be applicable to commercial songs used as demos. There are usually solo drum demo tracks which I assume would be the drums from the product without enhancement.


    Whitten is correct.

    They are mostly programmed with MIDI and MIDI used is usually from the MIDI pack included with the sound expansion (not always though). On the ‘drums only’ tracks there is seldom any processing, but if it is a full mix it might be small amounts of EQ:ing and compression just to get it to fit in the mix.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer

    Jason Hood

    Surely the “programmed midi” is a v-drum performance with maybe some mouse wrangling to finesse any ugly v.curve interpolations.
    Straight time sounds possible to transcribe from keyboard, but those fills sound like drums.
    At least to me anyway. If they are “hand drawn”, or key drummed, kudos to the programmers.


    As I said, there usually created using our own MIDI, from our MiDI packs or the MIDI included with sound expansions. That MIDI is made by session drummers using an E-kit. When we record MIDI at the Toontrack HQ, we use a Roland TD20 most of the time.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer

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