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holy crap Metal Machine RULES!!

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  • Zio

    I have to agree. I have been struggling for years, back to when EZDrummer was first released, looking for decent sounding drums for the type of music I write. I’ve bought EZDrummer, Superior Drummer, countless EZX’s, Metal Foundry, Addictive Drummer, Steven Slate Drums, all in hopes of satisfying this need I’ve had for so long.

    Not since Metal Machine has the need been fully fulfilled. I am no longer constantly debating in my head what software will get me closest to my desired drum sound, and what kind of processing or plug ins will get me to be satisfied. Countless hours tweaking, mixing, trying different plug ins, ect. No more. Metal Machine just sounds right to my ears. It’s what I’ve wanted out of a drum sampler since day 1. Good sounding drums done right. Period.

    I had to wait a long time, but I’m finally happy. I no longer have to spend tons of my time thinking about how or what will get me halfway decent sounding drums. I have them thanks to Andy Sneap and Toontrack. Now I can worry about the next thing on the list.

    Thank you Andy and Toontrack.

    EZDrummer & Superior 2.0 owner and user.

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