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Hidden notes in ProTools10 with EZDrummer 2 question

Studio Corner
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  • Henrik

    Is it possible that you have two or more MIDI blocks on top of each other in Pro Tools? Have you disabled “Follow Host” in EZdrummer 2 or removed the MIDI from its internal MIDI track so that it doesn’t play both from Pro Tools’ and EZdrummer 2’s time line?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Man you are good Henrik. The Follow Host button was on. Not sure what the purpose of that button is but when I turned it off, the beats were gone. Thank you very much!


    @exleper said:
    The Follow Host button was on. Not sure what the purpose of that button is but when I turned it off, the beats were gone.

    This button makes the EZdrummer 2 Song Track sync with Pro Tools Timeline, anything on it will play back when Pro Tools is running.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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