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Help with visualising articulations

Studio Corner
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  • John


    ‘closed’ is just the lids being closed, ‘tight’ is when they are pressed together by the foot clamping down on the pedal.
    ‘edge’ is hitting with the shaft of the drum stick on the edge of the hi-hat and ‘tip’ is when you hit the lid with the tip of the drum stick.

    ‘Edge Trigger’ is not an articulation, it’s the note being sent from an E-drum module to trigger all ‘edge’ articulations and then the openness is determined by the CC data being sent from the foot pedal.

    I hope this clarifies.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks John, that’s very helpful.

    Re the ‘Seq Hits’, this articulation sounds like an edge hit to me. Am I correct in understanding that the idea for the Seq Hit articulation is that for each hit of it, it will select from a spread of different samples, rather than repeat the one sample?

    I tested the Seq Hits out and found that it varied from kit to kit. Do some kits offer more samples for the Seq Hits to choose from? For instance, I couldn’t tell if the Modern Basic kit was playing just the one sample or a few samples that sounded similar for its Seq Hits. The Seq Hits effect was more noticeable on other kits for me.

    The selection of which sample plays for the Seq Hits hit seems to be at random, even after MIDI has been recorded. Is this correct?


    Also, it’s my understanding that the Open hits going from 1 to 5 go from least open to most open hi-hat, rather than from less firmly struck to more firmly struck. Please correct if this is wrong.

    It’s good to know that the last three options in the Articulations menu are for e-drum modules.






    ‘Seq Hits’ are samples pulled from a Sequence of hits, rather than sampled as individual hits. If memory serves me right, exactly how and where the stick hits can vary slightly from library to library. If you want a more ‘humanised’ sequence of hits, you can try the ‘Seq hits’ but if you want more control over each hit, use the regular ones.

    Also, it’s my understanding that the Open hits going from 1 to 5 go from least open to most open hi-hat, rather than from less firmly struck to more firmly struck.

    Yes, that’s correct.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: Peter Bermel and Austin_48
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