Help With Cymbal Chokes and 2.0

E-drum Workshop
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  • Rogue

    Right, I think the misunderstanding comes from the fact that you are acting on the ‘mute’ articulation… these are pre-recorded chokes and this is not where you should apply the settings. Instead select the regular crash articulation (the one listed right at the top, producing a sustained sound) and apply the same method.

    I hope this clarifies.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Thanks for the reply !
    I had tried to apply the settings/method to the “Crash” articulation  after the “Mute” didn’t work. I even play with  different release settings, but when I would try choking using the cymbal ,I just get another cymbal sound no choke.When I touch the Pressure Strip under the cymbal ,one cymbal gets another crash sound and the other gets a china.  I did also put the the E-Drum presents in proper folder. Any suggestions ?
    Thanks again



    the most obvious to check would be the Input Filtering in Pro Tools, which IIRC has Aftertouch filtered out by Default.
    I do not know why you trigger other notes, though. I’m using the very same cymbal with a TD-12 module.
    Do you get proper response when running Toontrack solo?

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John,
    Thanks for the reply! I didn’t have ToonTrack Solo set-up but I did install it to check it out. It does the same thing, when you hit the Hart cymbal  it triggers
    cymbal 2 in 2.0 which is correct but the choke triggers cymbal 3. The other Hart cymbal when hit triggers cymbal 4 in 2.0 which is also correct but choke triggers cymbal 5. If you just touch the pressure strip under the cymbals you can see the other cymbals it’s triggering. I can’t figure it out, any thoughs?


    Hmmm…are they correctly set up in the module as CYM and type?
    I can’t come up with anything more right now other than it sounds to me as something isn’t right in the module.
    Please record hits and chokes into Pro Tools with all Input Filtering OFF and inspect what gets recorded.
    If your cymbals are sending note numbers when you choke, something is amiss.

    BTW, did you start with the e-drum MIDI preset found here?:

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hey John,
    Everything is set right in the TD20. I set-up the module with the specs given by Hart.
    The kit plays all the internal module sounds correctly including the cymbal chokes.
    I did also download the E-Drum midi presents And installed as follows:select Presets > MIDI > Manage in Finder / Explorer and place the uncompressed file in the folder. Is there any thing else that needs
    to be done with the presents that I might not be doing.Does the presents folder only have to be placed in the Finder/Explorer folder or does something esle have to be done after that?
    I’ll also try Input filtering off in Pro Tools, but I think with it reacting the same way in ToonTrack Solo , I think I’m going to get the same results. I must be missing a step somewhere. I also set up another trigger bank in the module and tried tweaking all the setting?
    If you can think of anything I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thanks again for the help!


    It seems obvious to me that you have set the module to send one note with the crash trigger and another (with or without aftertouch) in the module. That’s the only way to explain different cymbals being triggered with the strip… if you follow John’s advise to record your module’s MIDI stream in PT I’m pretty sure you’ll find this is indeed the case.

    Best Regards,

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    ORIGINAL: Rhapsody

    I did also download the E-Drum midi presents And installed as follows:select Presets > MIDI > Manage in Finder / Explorer and place the uncompressed file in the folder. Is there any thing else that needs to be done with the presents that I might not be doing. Does the presents folder only have to be placed in the Finder/Explorer folder or does something esle have to be done after that?


    Did you also select the edrum MIDI preset in the pull down menu, after placing it in the folder? Just checking, because it’s not automatically installed into each project until you select it.


    Thanks for all the Help!

    Did you also select the edrum MIDI preset in the pull down menu, after placing it in the folder? Just checking, because it’s not automatically installed into each project until you select it.  

    Thanks rentadrummer, That’s what the problem was ,I didn’t realize I had to select the present in the folder. It didn’t say that in the post .I though it was automatically applied to each project.

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