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Great deals on software, sounds
and MIDI!

Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


Help with a big decision…

The Pub
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  • Scott

    Happy wife…happy life.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    As a co-owner of Toontrack I strongly suggest you spend all your
    time and money on Toontrack products, so that I get more money
    to spend on my girlfriend.

    But wait – I have no girlfriend – I spend all my time here in the office. DOH!

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    I think the Toontrack products I’ve bought have all been a good value and don’t regret any of my purchases. That said I’ve bought many of mine on sale or as part of bundles. I think that’s how they show the love.

    Scott Eshleman

    @jnilsen42 said:
    I think the Toontrack products I’ve bought have all been a good value and don’t regret any of my purchases.
    That said I’ve bought many of mine on sale or as part of bundles. I think that’s how they show the love.

    Likewise, I’ve bought many of mine on sale or as part of bundles.
    Also, it’d be highly unlikely that software can be returned.
    That is why many software companies offer trial versions and demos.

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