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help! toontrack solo says “no MIDI IN device available”

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Juicy

    Not sure what “add my midi” means.
    Do you mean in solo as midi controller ?


    Please first make sure your MIDI interface works with your computer; install the latest available drivers.
    Then download the latest version of Toontrack solo and select your MIDI Input.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I have the same issue here. It only works fine as a VST in garage band. Does not work in Toontrack solo

    My setup
    Alesis drum module –Midi–> AxeFX2 sound interface -usb-> Mac.

    The midi out appears selectable in the midi in device selection in toontrack solo – but there is no midi input to select. All software and driver versions are up to date.

    For my application it would be good to use Toontrack solo – Are there any fixes for this ? or things to try?

    Thanks for the help.


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