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HELP PLEASE Libraries missing

Studio Corner
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  • John


    we can help you with this in the Support section for registered users:

    This ID of yours has got no access to that part of the Forum but your other ID ‘dom17’ is tied to your products and has got access.
    I sent you an email with details, so you can log in correctly.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks john it was so long since i was on here i couldnt remember my original username, you can delete that other account if possible


    Hi, My name is Jim from Melbourne, Australia. I am new to this forum. I am a sax player. I was in the States in 1990 and found a fabulous producer of Midi Files in Milwaukie Oregon. Many years have passed and now I lost all the fantastic midi files due to a flood but I can’t remember the guys name or contact. Please, anyone who can put me in touch with this guy let me know. I wan’t to get more of his great files. Jim – SaxMax –

    Jim Elkins

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