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help finding drum midi pack that includes a driving “hot for teacher/satch boogie” groove –

Studio Corner
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  • EachHit

    @brendan said:

    I have songwriter midi 1,2,3 and a lot of sdxs , i’ve listened to all the midi pack samples and cant find anything that fits this groove at tempo.
    I wrote to Groove monkey and asked if they have this type groove in any of their packs and the answer was no – It does not have to be exact, just the feel .
    I can program the basic groove but real sounding fills and variations are beyond my ability 🙁 there are so many double kick metal grooves out there, i would have thought this was a bit of a standard , if dated , groove.. thanks!


    I don’t know if there’s a Midi Pack out there which will give you a usable beat. But when I record Music for myself it’s mostly a Coverversion where I try to play all Instruments incl the Drums. But that’s mostly only very basic Punk/Rock.
    Sometimes I let Superior do the Drums and play just the String Instruments.

    What I do is I look out for some Tabs which has pretty good written Drums and get that in my DAW to find possible “real” Beats.
    Just had a quick listen to a Hot for Teacher Tab and even if the programmed Drumtrack looks a bit weird it sounded pretty close to the Original. Maybe you wanna try that out. I’m sure you will find at least the right Bassdrum figure in one of the Metal Midis.

    Heavy Greetz

    brandon flick

    Hey – thanks for the input – yes, i tried that too, it helped me program the basic groove ive got running thru song , but whats killing me is fleshing it out with some fills and variations on that groove , it’s an original song it just happens to have that kind of a beat – I’m just really surprised that with all the drum midi loops out there , no company has put a song file with this type of pushing groove out.
    thanks again for taking the time!


    @brendan said:

    Hey – thanks for the input – yes, i tried that too, it helped me program the basic groove ive got running thru song , but whats killing me is fleshing it out with some fills and variations on that groove , it’s an original song it just happens to have that kind of a beat – I’m just really surprised that with all the drum midi loops out there , no company has put a song file with this type of pushing groove out.
    thanks again for taking the time!

    I just had a quick listen to that song on Youtube and it seems that some fills are only a 5 stroke Roll at Tempo 280. Sometimes I just take a slow fill and to the Double Time. Sounds in some cases pretty good. I think the Fills are almost mainly Drum Rudiments played over different Toms, Snares etc.
    You also may try some Triplet Fills combined with some Straight Note Values.
    If you want I can try and try out some fills when you send me the Beat you already have.

    Heavy Greetz

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